Monthly Archives: February 2013

Point Pong’s Beer Pong Table was Featured in Food & Beverage Magazine!

First All-In-One Beer Pong Set For Use In Pool And Out

KB Innovations, Inc. of Middletown, NJ has just released Point Pong, the first lightweight, portable beer pong set that can be played on land or in the pool. Point Pong is half the weight of other portable beer pong tables and comes with everything required to play, including a carry bag. It eliminates the need for heavy tables or doors by using stand-alone platforms that hold the cups up to three different lengths apart. The set is durable enough to be left outside, but also easily stored and transported. PointPong can be played like traditional beer pong or modified so the whole family can participate. As the only portable beer pong set that can be used in the pool and on land, Point Pong is a significant improvement over similar sets. Manufactured without any metal parts, the set utilizes plastic and nylon components that work well in or out of water. The platforms and tables can be disassembled and reassembled quickly for use in either setting. And regulation distance between tables can be maintained in the pool. Point Pong keeps cups in place securely with recessed holders that keep liquid from being spilled. And the unique, patent pending table is multifunctional. Brightly colored rings offer variations on point play and side cup holders expand the possibilities. Point Pong comes with everything but beer, including balls, cups, lightweight tables and a carry bag with handles and detachable shoulder strap. Also included is a cord to regulate lengths between tables of seven, eight or nine feet. Winner of the Best Tailgating Game at the 2012 National Hardware Show, Point Pong has a diverse audience and several applications. Beer pong enthusiasts can play according to regulations. But for those who just want the fun, the game is easily adapted to many variations. Point Pong may also provide licensing options for sporting brands like NASCAR and MLB. “When my kids came home from college, they introduced me to beer pong by using an old door on workhorses. It was so much fun, we often played without the beer so kids could play, too. But there was a problem,” said Kevin Brown of KB Innovations, Inc. “I wanted to take it with me for tailgating at sporting events. And I wanted to play it in the pool. So I created Point Pong.” Point Pong carries a MSRP of $149.95 and is available at,, and other retailers throughout the USA. Contact Kevin Brown by email at, or call 732-671-7919 for more information. View original article here on Food & Beverage Magazine.